Posted inNews/Politics

South Africa — a worst-case scenario

Professor Steven Friedman, in his article on the potential direction of South African politics during 2008, looked at four possible scenarios pursuant to the charging of ANC president Jacob Zuma. Like his astute assessments at Polokwane, where his analysis alongside Justice Malala was most welcome, his knowledge on the mechanics of democracy and the South […]

Posted inNews/Politics

All you need in politics is a Thaksin and a bit of Zuma: Are you Msholozi in disguise?

If it hasn’t struck you yet, the similarities between African National Congress president Jacob Zuma and deposed, perhaps soon to be new, Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, are incredible. Let’s start by looking at an article in the Times of London. Anyone? Thaksin is a Thai in exile, facing charges of corruption yet sealed a […]

Posted inLifestyle

Tony Blair’s a Catholic

While the more left-leaning British media thrill to the news that Nick Clegg, new leader of the Liberal Democrats, does not believe in God, tonnes of ink is being spilled over Tony Blair’s conversion to Catholicism. And that’s not all. If you buy the Sunday Telegraph (UK) this week only, you’ll learn that Britain itself […]

Posted inGeneral

Robert Mugabe’s Monopoly

We all remember Bob’s version of Cluedo where you had to guess the victim an’ all — “The leader of the opposition, underneath the prison, with the lead piping.” Unfortunately it was banned after the archbishop of Bulawayo said nasty things about Uncle Bob and they couldn’t use the Reverend Green any more. Having said […]