Posted inGeneral

Is there life after death?

Inayat Bungawala, assistant secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, wrote a column asking Guardian readers the following question: Is death the end? Unsurprisingly, he was flooded with responses from many communities and any number of schools of thought. So I figured that, seeing as your bosses are paying for your time anyway, let’s […]

Posted inSport

The brothers grim: Enter the Stofiles

On the night of the 27th of December 1944, squadrons of Allied B24 bombers pounded Hamburg into dust — which coincidentaly also happens to be the date that Makhenkesi Arnold Stofile, South Africa’s Minister of Sport and Recreation, was born. Left unchecked he and his brother Mike could well do to rugby and soccer what […]

Posted inNews/Politics

No, Mr Kamm, rendition is never justified

British writer Oliver Kamm, in a column that appeared in Monday’s Guardian, would suggest that rendition in certain circumstances, primarily to combat terrorism, is justified. Moreover, according to Kamm: “Rendition does not mean torture. It means moving someone from one country to another without reference to a formal extradition treaty.” In layman’s terms, “rendition” is […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Do South Africans respect a uniform?

When a group captain at the Wittering air base near Peterborough, England, advised Royal Air Force personnel not to wear their uniforms in public, it sparked an enormous outcry. Weren’t these people part of the armed forces responsible for the safety of Britain and, accordingly, entitled to the public’s respect? Closer to home, we could […]