Posted inNews/Politics

Zille unmoved by Zuma olive branch

Western Cape Premier Helen Zille has clearly rejected the overtures made by South African President Jacob Zuma to opposition parties during his inaugural address. In his opening speech Zuma called upon opposition parties to work with the government where there are areas of common interest and called upon the ruling party to be more open […]

Posted inGeneral

Zille needs to understand symbolism

Helen Zille was an anti-apartheid activist who repeatedly put her life in danger in order to bring about a free, non-racist and just South Africa. In addition to exposing the truth about Steve Biko while she was still a journalist, Zille allowed the use of her home as a safe house for other activists and […]

Posted inBusiness

Zuma’s balancing act: Cosatu takes on Vodacom

Immediately after the election, and referring to President Jacob Zuma selecting his first cabinet, I observed that the vested and conflicting interests of business and labour was going to be a particularly tricky political tightrope that he needed to walk. On Friday, and while we are still digesting the appointments in cabinet relating to this […]