Posted inNews/Politics

Pat on the back for Mthethwa

The minister of South African police, Nathi Mthethwa, has openly criticised those cadres who speak out of turn. On Wednesday, SABC radio news reported that the minister, who has been a member of parliament since 2002 and is a current member of the national executive committee of the African National Congress, said that: “There’s no […]

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Is SA the new Zimbabwe?

Many South Africans have been asking this question for a number of years now but when the Scottish Sunday Herald starts making it a featured item then the time has come for us to put the question to ourselves. The article is by Fred Bridgland, a British writer and biographer who first revealed South Africa’s […]

Posted inNews/Politics

ANC charge Malema like a wounded buffalo

The chairperson of the African National Congress’s national disciplinary committee, Derek Hanekom, has confirmed that ANC Youth League president Julius Malema’s disciplinary hearing will take place on May 3. The confirmation by the deputy science and technology minister came amid dissatisfaction expressed by the Gauteng ANC leader who said that the membership of no less […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Why would the ANC be divided over Malema?

The excellent article by Matuma Letsoalo and Mmanaledi Mataboge outlining the division within ANC ranks following President Jacob Zuma’s public reprimand of ANCYL President Julius Malema speaks volumes about loyalty to a personality rather than policy. To say that this admonishment was long overdue is probably the understatement of the year and those that are […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Cosatu vs ANC

Tripartite alliance partner Cosatu has once again advised the African National Congress that the centre of power should be the alliance and not the ANC. This coming at a time when Cosatu and the SACP are frustrated by the lack of material leftward movement on economic policy by the government and not having a substantial […]

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AWB to SACP should back Zuma on this

President Jacob Zuma’s statement on political conduct and social cohesion issued late Saturday is exactly what this country has been waiting for. It is a reaffirmation that the president, government and ruling party share the same goals as the vast majority of South Africans in building our fledgling constitutional democracy. In clear terms it sets […]

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ANCYL, cure thyself

The African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) is the youth wing of the African National Congress. Unfortunately, unlike the youth wings of major parties the world over, this is not the fountain from which young blood and radical new ideas flow forth to the party but rather an ill-disciplined, militant rabble whose only sense of […]

Posted inNews/Politics

AWB best not declare war

Reports, including our own, which claim that the AWB wants a declaration of war are not giving careful consideration to the circumstances in which the country currently finds itself. It simply is not on. For proof that it is misguided, regard need only be had to the retraction by the AWB of the statement of […]

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ANC must think South Africa, not members only

The African National Congress, as the current ruling party that provides the people who make up the government and the president of the country, are charged with running the country for all South Africans regardless of their political beliefs. Accordingly in responding to issues such as the murder of former AWB leader Eugene Terre’Blanche, polarisation […]