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Socialism aims to strike a balance

By Melika Singh For those unfamiliar with 21st century socialism — which is not communism or pure socialism — below is an explanation of this concept and its importance to the developing world. Heinz Dieterich said 21st century socialism encompasses participative democracy (yes, socialism supports democracy and doesn’t require large-scale repression to succeed), a democratically-planned […]

Posted inNews/Politics

After Mbeki: is ‘unity’ and ‘stability’ enough to meet South Africa’s challenges?

Submitted by Tristan Gorgens Listening to the various reactions to Mbeki’s resignation on Sunday I was struck by a the reaction by Archbishop Emeritus Tutu, one of the few ethical, non-aligned leaders left in our country, in which he said, “I can’t myself imagine that a party itself would say its unity is far more […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Interesting times indeed … the CMRS on Mbeki and leadership

The Community of Mandela Rhodes Scholars is committed to four core principles: leadership, entrepreneurship, reconciliation and education. The principle of leadership requires all scholars to commit themselves to ethical leadership; leadership that places the interests of society ahead of the interests of individuals, factions or groups. In attempting to propagate its principles, the Community as […]

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The revolution must come full circle

Submitted by Garikai Nyaruwata revolution noun [C] a deep-seated change in method of thinking often designed to effect fundamental changes in the political and socioeconomic situation. Earlier this year the University of Cape Town ANC Youth League distributed a number of posters on campus containing a treatise in commemoration of Chris Hani. A substantive portion […]