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Dare to be wise, Mr President

By Suntosh Pillay “Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-imposed immaturity.” This is Immanuel Kant’s short but potent definition, offered in 1748. About 260 years later, his paper on the question of Enlightenment remains powerfully persuasive and prophetically relevant. It may even help us expose immature public office bearers. Is Julius Malema immature (let alone […]

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The centre cannot hold

By Athambile Masola “Things fall apart The centre cannot hold Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world” Yeats’ words from the poem The Second Coming are often used to allude to a state of affairs that demands attention from everybody. Today, this aptly describes the state of South Africa’s education system. Things are falling apart […]

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Keeping it REEL

By Marius Redelinghuys As Mandela Rhodes Scholars in residence, living the legacy of Nelson Mandela and delivering on the promise of leadership is a central element of the scholarship and also of every individual scholar. In reflecting on the promise of leadership, by asking the question, how Mandela Rhodes Scholars contribute to delivering the promise […]

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Leadership laboratory

Lionel Faull They came to Grahamstown from all over Africa — from Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Gabon, Zambia, Zim — and from all over South Africa, too. Thirty-seven bright young things — all alumni of the coveted Mandela Rhodes Scholarship, Madiba’s intervention to create exceptional leadership capacity in Africa. They brought some pretty amazing speakers with […]