The African National Congress, as the current ruling party that provides the people who make up the government and the president of the country, are charged with running the country for all South Africans regardless of their political beliefs.

Accordingly in responding to issues such as the murder of former AWB leader Eugene Terre’Blanche, polarisation of society and the rule of law they do not have the luxury of playing to the party faithful but have to rise above that in order to shoulder the responsibility that being the government brings.

In accordance therewith the statement of the ANC in response to these issues is not only inappropriate but misguided for the reasons set out below.

Prior to the same we set out what we believe the statement should have looked like in order to avoid accusations of nitpicking for the sake of it.


The officials of the ANC held their normal weekly meeting held
yesterday at the President’s residence — Mahlambandlopfu. The
officials decided that, in view of the environment currently
prevailing in our country, all our structures must restrain
themselves. The structures have been asked not to engage in any
public debate on the death of Mr Eugene Terre’Blanche and leave
whatever matters that need the attention of the ANC in this regard
to the headquarters of our movement. The structures were also asked
by the officials to be circumspect in singing liberation songs that
have words that can be seen and be interpreted to be contributing
to racial polarisation of society.

Moreover our appeal to our members is informed by the fact that we,
as the ruling party, have a responsibility to all South Africans to
ensure that we respect the rule of law and expect all citizens
of our country to do the same. Particularly the members of our party
as the source from which our government and President originate.

In light of the above we expect all South Africans to respect the
Court orders that are handed down as well as obeying the laws
of the country. In particular we advise the Police and other authorities
— without fear or favour — regardless of race or affiliation, to deal
with anyone who breaks the laws of South Africa in the
appropriate manner.

We specifically place on record that no citizen may take
orders from a political party or group which seeks to
elevate itself above the law. Accordingly where anyone,
no matter their affiliation or position, declines to obey the
Law they are to be dealt with in accordance with our law.

End of Statement

Problems with ANC statement issued

Firstly the ANC point out that the reason for their call for restraint is not because they are in charge of the country but because : “Our appeal to our members is informed by the fact that we have a responsibility of ensuring that they are not used as a scapegoat for other agendas.” What agendas? The ANC as the ruling party want restraint and respect for the law because they are the ruling party full stop.

Secondly : “The call by the officials regarding our liberation songs does not amount to banning any of the songs, including the song that is hotly debated currently.” It is not hotly debated currently there is a court order that says a particular song must not be sung. Until that is overturned don’t sing it. It’s not time to appease the membership it’s time to rule the country.

Thirdly : “It is a considered view of our officials that such a restraint as called upon will help our society see through the disguised attempts by the right-wing groups that seek to reverse the transformation progress made since 1994.” Whether or not this is the view of the ANC, it has no place in a statement to the country. Worse it is wholly inaccurate because the claims by the AWB are for a future volkstaat nothing to do with reversing transformation. This is separatism if anything for a tiny band. Moreover they did not agree with the National Party during apartheid so reversing is the last thing on their minds.

Fourthly : “We have also not questioned the drive by some sections of the media to ignore the fact that conflict around non-payment of wages cannot be elevated a singing of a song.” The police investigation has not concluded that and it does not deal with the central issues referred to above.

Fifthly : “Equally important is the lack of reporting and equal sensation around the shooting and killing of a black hunter by a farmer who is currently out on bail of R5 000. We are also dismayed by the little coverage of the brutal assault of seven farm workers by a farmer in the North West. We question the objectivity and the motive that drive certain elements of our media on these matters.” Is it any wonder that we have problems with racism? The ruling party should not be suggesting that because there is concern over a white we now need concern over a black. As indicated in our version the respect for the law by all races is the key.

Accordingly the statement — to us — comes across as the NEC apologising to the membership for doing what ruling party’s the world over do — support the government that they have put in place and make sure they lead by example in upholding the law and defending the Constitution.



Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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