As the gutless wonder Mokotedi Mpshe clearly demonstrated, as far as the ANC are concerned there is no law applicable to the party or to those considered of value. Indeed if any of them are charged this only results in everyone running around like headless chickens screaming about how they are being persecuted. It certainly explains the approach South Africa adopted to Zimbabwe and Myanmar. How could we ever convince a government that uses the wealth of the country as if it was a gift, celebrates criminals and feels nothing as black bodies pile up in their tens of thousands that what Mugabe was doing was insane?

When millions of Zimbabweans fled their tyrant and overwhelmed our poorer communities why would that ever concern people whose only concern is making themselves rich? Why would poverty and neglect mean a damn thing to anyone? If these poor people don’t have money what use are they to anyone?

I then had one of these fatcats come on here and tell me that I don’t care about the poor blacks. In hindsight I can understand why he was so annoyed because the last thing in the world he wanted was our poorest communities ever finding out from people like me just how badly these guys are getting stiffed. They must rather be shepherded to rallies where the thieves can tell them how hard they are working for them. Of course that’s until the election is over and happy gravy train days are here again.

The apartheid thugs had their turn at fleecing these people why not the new elite after all there just isn’t enough wealth for everyone. Well tough, not as long as I’m still breathing will I allow blacks to bullshit me about the need for their leadership or whites to tell me why transformation doesn’t work. What doesn’t work is the disgusting selfishness of the people of this country. There will be transformation even if I have to bury every fatcats career along the way.

Where the Mbeki administration was characterised by a total lack of accountability the one in waiting promises to be a celebration of the criminal culture that knows no limitation in taking whatever they want for themselves. But fear not justice is just around the corner. Why just today we’ve been promised that today’s cowards are going to be doing a witchhunt on Ngcuka and McCarthy (yesterday’s opportunists).


Tons of money thrown at toothless commissions who milk the country dry while achieving absolutely nothing. We truly are blessed.


I want to know about Jackie Selebi. Why is he still being charged? There is no such thing as corruption in South Africa so why is he getting punished? What makes him so special — seems to me that we have current ministers who have stolen billions more than he has been charged with. They don’t even get a phone call from the plice … poice … er that crowd in other countries that catch thieves.

I’m starting the FREE SELEBI campaign and anyone from the NPA and Scorpions is free to come and tell me what he has done that the rest of the thieves walking around haven’t? Maybe you can get Heath to pop around I’ve got a bad case of food that doesn’t seem to want to come up. Five minutes with him and I’ll be as light as a bird.

You all mock and make fun of Cosatu and the SACP yet in terms of the future of the masses of our country the best chance that they have for education, upliftment and a say in their future might well come from the Alliance partners.

God I hope so, the rest look to busy feeding at the trough to care.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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