I really feel sorry for Mugabe. I mean what is the point of telling your wife something if she’s only going to blab it to the whole world? Yes I know Bob I’ve got the same problem with ‘the government’ (Mrs Traps). You tell them something, swear them to secrecy and they then go and tell someone who they swear to secrecy and on and on it goes, until an hour later you’re getting calls from a cousin in Perth asking you about something you swore your missus to secrecy on 35 minutes ago!

Whatever was Grace thinking when she told everyone that no matter the result you, would never give power to Tsvangirai? That wasn’t part of your stump speech. Mind you it did stump everyone. They kept running around checking their calendars to see whether the results of the run-off you have locked up in your safe had already been released.

Dear oh dear oh dear!

Sometimes I wonder whether it’s really worth spending all that time studying and fighting liberation struggles if people are going to expect you to give the country back. You work like a dog all day and what thanks do you get? The bastards want to hold elections and give the country to someone else. YOUR COUNTRY!

If anyone knows how Bob’s feeling it’s our president. (Our apology for that slip of the tongue — Africa belongs to all dictators not just our president. He got carried away — only South Africa belongs to him). Not only does he have to put up with a party telling him what to do but he even has a faction within the party that expect him to hand over to them.

And the ingratitude!

I mean owning a country means living in a palace, jetting off around the world and never having to say you’re sorry. Of course people are starving and don’t have homes — isn’t that why armies were invented in the first place?

If they want to have a country and live like a president then they must also go to university and start their own liberation struggle.

It’s so obvious but you tell the kids today and they won’t believe yer!


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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