So here’s the thing — novel–writing takes up quite a lot of time. And while I do love writing blog posts, when I’m spending all morning with my head in a new book and all afternoon freelancing to make enough money to keep me in tea and toast, it’s quite tricky to comment on my favourite things.

They’d all revolve around writing, tea, and food (I hear what you’re saying — not too different from usual, hey?)

So, in honour of the fact that there are many fantastically informed blogs out there to read, I’m taking a brief hiatus. Just until I’ve birthed this new book (I’m halfway through the rough draft at the moment, so it shouldn’t take toooo long). And then I’ll re–enter the world, with my eyes wide open, and let you know what I see.

Till then, here’s hoping things don’t get too serious.

(And if they do, why not pop down to the Franschhoek Literary Festival next weekend — I’m letting myself out of semi–hibernation to sit on a panel for it!)

See you later / soon!


Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine ( and...

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