Now, you might want to dismiss this as the ramblings of a 25-year-old woman who likes dressing up fancy and baking cakes a little too much, but hear me out.

I had a tea party yesterday evening (in the balmy dusk air, under a tree, with two kinds of cake and homemade biscuits and sandwiches cut up into fours and copious cups of tea) and it was just lovely. Everyone relaxing, drinking tea, eating sugary treats and chatting. Slowing down, you might say. Easing up. De-stressing.

And it occurred to me that maybe we need more tea parties in this world.

Instead of meeting in boardrooms and offices and over quick cups of coffee, maybe we should be meeting at tea parties.

Imagine the impact of a group of politicians eating triangular cucumber sandwiches and hundreds-and-thousands-dusted chocolate cake as they discuss foreign policy.

Try to argue over a contract as you munch on a fairy cake or nibble on a peanut-butter cookie. Attempt being hard-nosed as you crumble mouthfuls of moist orange cake on your plate. It’s not possible!

Tea parties necessitate a slowing up of sharp negotiation and a toning down of political manoeuvring.

Sound ineffective? It is! But it is also more human, and surely a little humanity in the boardroom could go a long way?

So I’m sending out a call for more tea parties. I’d be more than happy to help in the planning. Just pay me in Smarties.


Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine ( and...

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