It is not often that we get the opportunity of getting behind the ANCYL on an issue because normally we’re too busy getting behind the sandbags or into a bunker whenever these cheeky chappies come up with another cunning plan.

Today however their confirmation that “the Premier Soccer League (PSL) must accept the outcome of the South African Football Association (Safa) election, which placed Kirsten Nematendani at the helm of the soccer administrator” is just such an occasion.

“There is no-one with an entitlement to soccer leadership and administration in South Africa and all those who participate in soccer administration must abide by the democratic process that characterises the soccer administration bodies,” the ANCYL said in a statement.

“Kirsten Nematendani is a democratically elected president of Safa and all democracy-loving South Africans should accept such reality.” (IOL)

Great stuff!

We are not interested in why Khoza or Jordaan might be miffed and care less that they have missed out on yet another plum appointment.

Give somebody else a chance.

Of course the PSL then has to jump in and muck things up by suggesting that Nematendani’s appointment was not legit.

Why was that?

Because the fat cats didn’t get the jobs?

If Khoza or Jordaan were selected in the exact same way would they still have made a noise? Forget about it.

It seems as if they’re now schooling the PSL members at ASA — no backbone, same old geniuses get all the top positions and woe betide anyone else that tries to get ahead.

It’s like a sickness in Africa.

Whenever there are elections, the old guard refuse to make way for the new, no matter what the will of the people is. The examples are too many to list here.

And whenever anyone suggests that they step down because the people have spoken we get the same old racism garbage.

Perhaps Africa can explain to us and the outside world, why protests after a contest between two black parties or candidates wherein the old guard refuses to make way for the new — both black — constitutes racism?

Are the old guard blacker than the new?

Are the black majority who voted in the new candidate not black enough and are they of the view that a return to colonialism is desirable?


In the case of Nematendani I trust the PSL are not going to burden us with another crock of crap of the kind we saw in Hlophe and all the other high-profile disasters.

Twisting legal niceties to allow for the never-ending, soul-destroying court and media battles in order to justify the unjustifiable.

Nematendani was elected now live with it.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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