… but I’m really not okay with not having another first kiss.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m in the happiest relationship I can imagine, I wouldn’t want to be single and the thought of prowling clubs for a half-decent guy fills me with cold dread.

But that moment! That just-before-a-first-kiss moment! That instant when you know with absolute certainty that before the day ends you will have started something new and wonderful with this virtual stranger with whom you inexplicably want to spend a whole heap of time! I love that moment.

And I feel like never having one of those means being Totally Grown Up. Not quite sure I’m ready for that.

I suppose, as you get older, the magic and wonder of the first kiss might fade a little. Less moonlight, less lying on a blanket in the back garden, less swimming in the sea, more bars and cars and apartments. But there is still a wonder to it … isn’t there?

Why all this emphasis on kissing on an otherwise ordinary Thursday? I’ve got kissing on the brain! I’ve just chosen the top 10 finalists for the kissing competition (run by Strange Nervous Laughter). Take a look at them on the news section of my website (www.bridgetmcnulty.com).

Here’s the direct link:

The winner gets a brand new iPod Nano 4GB with video (very kindly donated by Have2have.co.za) — let me know who you think should be the lucky guy or gal by leaving me a comment or emailing me at [email protected]

I appreciate it.

It’s a tough call.

What do you think?


Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine (www.sweetlifemag.co.za) and...

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