From the makers of “Colour-coded power-shedding warnings R Us” in conjunction with Disney Channel and MGM we bring you the moving story (which you will be if this goes wrong), of a power company’s attempt to get everyone into hot water … or something like that.

The technicians were shot on location.

It all begins in the coastal city of Durban where solar water heaters are installed in certain homes and businesses:

“Volunteers” for the project are selected at random (gunpoint is closer …) to see whether this latest Eskom project is a winner; the thinking being that it is cheaper to save electricity than add capacity.

They would have started sooner, but planning kept being interrupted by blackouts.

The climax comes in the final scene when a “volunteer” in the middle of a power failure in freezing weather telephones Eskom:

“Good evening.”

“Is that Eskom customer service?”


“Um, who do I speak to about my lights going off?”


“When can we expect power to be restored?”

“Where are you?”


“Our technicians are working on it.”

“Can you give me any idea?”

“A few hours.”

“What about my solar water heater?”

“Your what?”

“My solar water heater that you people installed.”

“What’s that?”

“I’m not sure. I think it’s heated by the sun.”

“Madam, the sun will only be up in about 12 hours.”

“But surely …”

“Our technicians are working on it.”

“How long will it be?”

“What’s it now? 7pm … um … call it 11 hours unless it’s cloudy …”


You have to admit this new innovation will make for far more interesting calls and reasons why you’re in the dark and freezing.

Just one more way Eskom can reach out and torch someone.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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