Caiphus Kgosana in an article which may be found on IOL suggests that the Congress of the People party may be in danger of travelling the same path to relative political obscurity as that of the UDM and the ID.

The prognosis is based upon a document, a copy of which is in the newspaper’s possession, drawn by Cope national committee member Simon Grindrod which is highly critical of the direction that the party has taken.

“A searing critique of the state of Cope and drafted by a member of the party’s own executive has described a party riven by divisions and undemocratic practices, leading ordinary members to abandon it and putting a question-mark over the fledgling party’s future. (Caiphus Kgosana)

While the article sets out the inner turmoil currently being experienced by the party I would suggest that these are merely symptomatic of two fundamental problems that need to be addressed immediately.

Firstly that the party represents little more than the anti-Zuma faction of the ANC and its existence owes more to the rise to power of President Jacob Zuma and the demise of the centrist ANC than clear policy differences with the ANC. Accordingly the end of the Zuma faction’s dominance will occasion an implosion of the party itself.

Secondly the lack of policies distinct from the ANC, will result in members hopping between the two parties. The failure to set a clear course away from the ANC will result in confusion rather than the party establishing a clearly definable constituency of its own.

As the article shows the current membership are more concerned with who gets what rather than what the party represents.

As suggested difficult decisions need to be made if disaster is to be avoided.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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