The decision by the MDC to join the Zimbabwean government of national unity is both vexing and understandable in light of the conduct of the South African government and the elitist club known as SADC.

Tsvangirai and his elected party were sold down the river and given little choice but to accept a deal which will leave them totally marginalised and the people of Zimbabwe overwhelmingly reliant on overseas aid.

Robert Mugabe the mass murdering, genocidal thug who brought Zimbabwe to its knees has been handed victory and returns as president. He will from now on be referred to as president by me, but always with the appropriate adjectives to describe him. This cancer on the face of the planet and his loathsome wife are the symbol of all that is evil and wrong with the continent of Africa. Assume power and thereafter cling to it at the expense of everything and everyone irrespective of the consequences.

Regardless of the expedient garbage and the distorted picture that SADC and the AU will now try to paint for the international community this is not a solution for the people of Zimbabwe. It is merely more of the same old Mugabe-Zanu-PF stupidity, now being rubber stamped by the MDC, as opposed to genuine change and the chance to plot a course for safer waters. Had a genuine power-sharing deal been implemented, I would have endorsed it.

This sham posing as a GNU will only confirm to Mugabe that the bullet is mightier than the ballot and to the SADC that self-preservation of elitist groups can still be maintained in Africa.

Of course now that president Satan has been preserved, SADC will be racing off to the UN and Western powers with the begging bowl. This will be along the lines of: “Please sir, we know that we told the UN to stay out and called Western powers imperialists but we really need you to pour in aid so that they can use the aid as a tool to further oppress their people and retain most of it for themselves”.

Sort of Oliver Twisted.

Keep out of Africa until we’re ready with the begging bowl.

The western powers must refer SADC and South Africa to Russia and China to bail out Zimbabwe. If this results in only a few pennies for all of Zimbabwe’s mining rights then the liberation parties within the countries making up SADC must find the money they promised Mugabe.

Without doubt this is not the time for lifting sanctions in Zimbabwe on the part of the United States and the European Union. As SADC has made patently clear, they are the biggest danger to Africa.

In reality they are the biggest threat to elitists because they expect accountability in respect of loans, stability for investment and democratic processes to be observed. That is why they are portrayed as demons before elections. They threaten the continuation of the elite in power by pointing out corruption, cronyism and crimes against humanity.

Worst of all is that it is a betrayal of everything that the ending of apartheid stood for.

“The crime of apartheid is defined by the 2002 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court which established the International Criminal Court as inhumane acts of a character similar to other crimes against humanity “committed in the context of an institutionalised regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.” It lists such crimes as murder, enslavement, deprivation of physical liberty, forced relocation, sexual violence, and collective persecution”. (Wikipedia)

If you substitute “racial group” for “an elite group” and forget the fact that the Zimbabwean regime is many times more murderous than the apartheid regime, can anyone tell me where the difference between the two lies? I trust that those that point out that the Zimbabwean rulers are black aren’t for a minute suggesting that black people are quite happy to be murdered and starved to death by elitist blacks and that racism is all that concerns them.

Moreover, if there are suggestions of pride and independence then I trust that SADC will be informing these Western imperialists that their aid is no longer welcome.

Therein lies the great irony — immediately after telling their masses that the biggest danger lies in outside interference — the very first thing that the members of the SADC do is race off to beg for outside aid. If they had allowed elections and transfer of power to take place the chances are that, in many cases, it would not be needed. The problem is that the elite would then be accountable to world banks and the UN and that would cause problems with their stealing the wealth of their country.

That is the reason why they are prepared to cling to power no matter what the cost to the masses of their country. There is absolutely no difference between an elitist white minority clinging to power at the expense of the masses of South Africa and an elitist black minority clinging to power at the expense of the masses in Zimbabwe. The only difference is the approach of South Africa.

Before apartheid ended there was a demand for intervention to prevent continued oppression because militarily South Africa was too strong and a solution required outside assistance. In the case of Zimbabwe, oppression invites propping up the perpetrator and refusing intervention and outside assistance. The fact that Zimbabwean generals have said that the army only serves Mugabe is conveniently forgotten. Here only Zimbabweans can solve their own problems whereas in South Africa, the exact opposite was the case.

The hypocrisy is overwhelming.

I celebrated the dawn of a new multiracial South Africa and defend it against all comers. I have taken stick for my continuing support of BEE, AA and land reforms and all the necessary steps that are vital to addressing the legacy of the disgusting evil that was apartheid. Why then should anyone be surprised that I am just as adamant that Eliteheid should end.

I don’t condone anyone believing they are better than anyone else in South Africa so I’ll be damned if I do it in Zimbabwe or anywhere else.


Mugabe has, Dlamini-Zuma doesnt, Motlanthe wants cartoon thumbnail
Wonkie cArtOOns – What Mr Mugabe has that Mr Motlanthe


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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