Archbishop Desmond Tutu told the BBCthat “he was saddened that his own country appeared not to be on the side of Zimbabweans. How much more suffering is going to make us say ‘No we have given Mr Mugabe enough time? I have to say that I am deeply, deeply distressed that we should be found not on the side of the ones who are suffering.’ I certainly am ashamed of what they’ve done in the United Nations.”

In addition to this, the vast majority of political parties in South Africa including the Democratic Alliance and notably Cope have said that it is time for Mugabe to go. Internationally the planet is calling time on the evil dictator with a few notable exceptions, with vested interest in seeing Zimbabwe decimated. Even among the ANC itself members, including ANCYL president Julius Malema, has said Mugabe must go.

So why is the ANC and by extension the government calling for Mugabe to be allowed to continue butchering his people?

Is it because Mugabe supported South Africa during apartheid?

The answer is no because it was the people of Zimbabwe, whom the ANC is making suffer, who supported South Africa. Mugabe was but one of their numbers whom they elected president. He didn’t use his own money to do so; it was the country, which we are punishing, as a whole which did so.

Is it because the ANC and Zanu-PF are liberation movements?

If the ANC has not moved passed the notion that it is a liberation movement and onto being a ruling party and a government, then God help us. Firstly, 75% of this country was oppressed under apartheid. Those self same people are now struggling against poverty and the single biggest expense standing in their way is Mugabe’s continued presence in Zimbabwe. In terms of the Zanu-PF they are not a liberation movement. They lost the right to call themselves that when they became an evil oppressor of the people of Zimbabwe.

Is it because we are trying to fulfill the wishes of the people of Zimbabwe?

If the ANC persists with what is patently garbage it risks losing credibility. Not even Joe the Plumber in the USA believes that Mugabe enjoys the support of anything near the majority of Zimbabweans. If Mugabe did he wouldn’t have to kill his people to avoid elections and jimmy the results as he has been doing.

Is it because Mugabe might get nasty if he is forced out?

What will he do? Kill and torture his opponents, unleash fatal diseases, massacre civilians and abduct anyone who speaks out? Precisely what his doing now, so there is no additional risk to the people of Zimbabwe. Civil war? — which would be conducted with what petrol, whose arms and with what money?

Is it because we would have to invade Zimbabwe?

Utter nonsense! If South Africa closed the border, cut the flow of electricity and petrol and waited a week that would be the end of Mugabe. When Vorster informed Ian Smith that South Africa could no longer support Rhodesia, Smith called time on white rule. With a powerful army and solid infrastructure he knew that without South Africa the game was up. Please don’t insult our intelligence with this nonsense anymore. Next time I hear some idiot calling himself an ANC spokesman telling us that closing the border will encourage immigration, I’m calling for a copy of that moron’s matric results.

What is the real reason we are supporting Senor Satan?

If there is no tangible, logical reason for supporting Mugabe, give us the real reason. If you cannot, then at least give it to the international community and Tsvangirai and see if they won’t guarantee your financial interests, if this is the case, in return for ridding us of the dictator from hell.

With the USA and the EU moving towards sanctions, even if power sharing is achieved, there is no reason left for allowing Beelzebub’s only son to continue in Zimbabwe. Accordingly, put an end to this second stain on our history (after apartheid) and restore us to the moral high ground in Zimbabwe.

“And for the world to say no, we are waiting for South Africa’s membership of the Security Council to lapse and then we can take action was an ‘awful indictment’ to a country that had a proud record of a struggle against a vicious system. We should have been the ones who, for a very long time, occupied the moral high ground. I’m afraid we have betrayed our legacy.” (Archbishop Desmond Tutu)



Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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