The more argument that is presented to justify closing down the Scorpions the less convincing the proponents become. I’d like to simplify it with a few short questions:

Firstly, if for example the CIA, FBI, DIA, MI5, MI6 or any other unit was under investigation for politicking or otherwise, do you think the governments of those countries would destroy the unit, or would they simply suspend the suspects pending the investigation of complaints?

Secondly the Scorpions is simply a name and the unit made up of the staff appointed to it. Why would you destroy that entire unit, which, alongside Organised Crime, is probably our best crime fighting unit, at a time when crime is out of control, when a simple reshuffle of staff achieves the result purportedly desired?

Thirdly, if as we are hearing that the Scorpions aren’t being disbanded to protect the ANC, why is it being disbanded? Public opinion is overwhelming that it must stay and any efforts to put forward to the government how unpopular the move is are being dismissed.

Fourthly, is it mere coincidence that the ANC at Polokwane made the decision to mark the end of the Scorpions and yet regardless of how compelling the reasons being put forward not to disband the unit, that decision seems unstoppable?

In truth the only people in favour of it are the government and the ANC. It is certainly not a racist or apartheid-era organisation and protects the interests of all South Africans. If there are racists or those who want to play politics within the Scorpions the public will fully support their sacking.

As I said in my last take on this subject, the only thing that makes sense is the fact that by closing down the unit you avoid other competent investigators carrying on the same investigations. In other words, complaining about bias and politics on the part of a Scorpion won’t help because another Scorpion would take over your file.

By closing down the unit as a whole the files move away from the Scorpions to other units which makes it easier to exert pressure from above and control which investigations are continued and which hit file 13.

That is the only thing that makes sense. The rest is all just puff and smoke.

Which reminds me — it’s time for a Camel.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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