“Zimbabwe’s Government called the G8 statement racist and an insult to African leaders. “They want to undermine the African Union and [South African] President Mbeki’s [mediation] efforts because they are racist, because they think only white people think better,” said the Deputy Information Minister, Bright Matonga. “It’s an insult to African leaders.” The Times

As my regular readers will know I am opposed to sanctions because I believe they will have an impact on the poorer communities of both Zimbabwe and South Africa. However I would like Minister Matonga to explain the following:

Why is the G8 racist? Is their abhorrence of your government and its supporters murdering, starving and brutalising black people, racist? Is their desire to put a stop to this disgusting conduct a “white thing”? Are you suggesting that all the millions of black Africans watching you butcher your population believe that this is the African way of doing things?

Perhaps the minister would also like to tell us why he thinks that black people are callous. The whole world knows what you are doing to your countrymen and women. Do you for a minute believe that black people are any less outraged at your conduct than white people? Do you for a moment believe that the majority of black people buy into your lies and deception?

Let’s explain to the planet why the African Union is reluctant, minister. Their failure to act boldly in these circumstances is down to political expedience and positioning. Don’t insult our intelligence or the African continent by suggesting that it is because anyone condones your disgraceful government and its policies.

Your approach at the AU summit in Egypt was not that Zimbabwe has clean hands, but rather that other African leaders were just as bad. In other words you are a bunch of rogues, but that’s okay because the continent has other rogues just as bad as you. And then you want Africans to accept that because of your conduct enormous financial support from the G8 might be reduced or forfeit so that an elite group can cling to power.

Why don’t you come and explain that to South Africa’s poorer communities — I’ll come with you.

“The African Union is worried that harsh treatment of Mugabe could derail prospects of a negotiated settlement of the crisis in Zimbabwe, which is suffering an economic meltdown marked by hyperinflation and chronic food and fuel shortages. The AU favours talks leading to a unity government.” The Mail & Guardian

Leaving aside what the harsh treatment of Mugabe could occasion, I’d like to know from the African Union why they have not had the decency to express their outrage at the Zimbabwean government ignoring aid agencies. Don’t those 5.1 million black people mean anything at all to you?

It’s embarrassing enough having the Zimbabweans pulling out the racist card (the one that considers any action to stop a black despot decimating his black population as racist) without this disgusting disregard for the people of that country.

Will there come a time when an African Union leader actually tells Mugabe that genocide is unacceptable and those aid agencies had better be given free access?

What is the point of asking for broader sanctions to be withheld if those people aren’t getting the aid?



Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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