Have you noticed that most people are rather grumpy this week? I think it’s the knowledge that there’s an impending four days of freedom, but before we get there we have to climb through a mountain of work, more than usual because of said freedom.

Also, naturally, because everyone’s wondering if the Easter Bunny will be paying them a visit. And worrying that he won’t. Despite my diabetic-ness, I’m hoping he hops on over to my cottage and plants a little egg. (You’ve got to dream, hey?)

And although there is a whole Thursday to get through, once this day is through we’re on holiday! If only for a few days. So let’s say yay for long weekends:

  • Tomorrow morning when you wake up you’ll have the delicious realisation that you can go back to sleep.
  • Sunday evening (which, for me, is always planning-and-cleaning time) will feel like another Saturday night!
  • Chances are, you’re either visiting friends/family, having friends/family visit you, or going away. Bonus!
  • There’s time to catch your breath, ignore your computer and remember what it feels like to be human again.
  • There will almost certainly be chocolate, in some form, involved.
  • Here’s wishing it’s one of those giant bunnies. With or without a caramel belly. It’s up to you.


    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine (www.sweetlifemag.co.za) and...

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