You think fun is only to be had by kids on merry-go-rounds, teenagers in dark, sweaty clubs and millionaires cruising the Caribbean in extremely long yachts?

Think again!

In the interests of scientific research (that just so happens to have no science attached) I spent the weekend uncovering the essential ingredients to fun. There are five. Yip. Five. Combine these elements and you’re guaranteed a good time.

1. Laughter
I laughed for two hours non-stop on Friday night. Sore-stomach laughter, eyes-tearing-up laughter, couldn’t-breathe laughter. Why? Mark Sampson’s new comedy show in Muizenberg. I won’t give too much away, but I will say that there are two giant inflatable dice, a moving story about a whale, and a whole lot of on- and off-stage heckling. Fun! (If you’re not in Cape Town, you’ll have to find a replacement laughter source. Sorry.)

2. Adventure
You might be thinking I’m going to write something crazy adventurous here. I’m not. I took part in an Easter-egg hunt on Saturday, and it was wildly exciting. When’s the last time you hunted chocolate? Lots of fun. Especially seeing as it ends in a sweet treat. And there’s no holds barred — if you’re a good hunter, you get the rewards. (Needless to say, I’m a good hunter.)

3. Idiocy
Fancy-dress parties are fantastic opportunities to look like a complete fool without feeling too dumb about it. I was a bug. Complete with feelers, a giant red-and-black cushioned shell and rosy cheeks (bugs have rosy cheeks when they anthropomorphise). Throw in a jumping castle (yes! A jumping castle!) and it’s pretty impossible not to have fun.

4. Good company
No matter how good you are at not feeling like a fool in fancy dress, if you’re hanging out by yourself it’s no fun. Choose your company well. No naysayers or non-participants. Only those ready for a good time.

5. Fresh air
Sunday was recovery day. Sunshine, fresh air, good food day. Essential to any fun-having is the gentle comedown.

So there you have it! In the mood for fun? Combine laughter, adventure, idiocy, good company and fresh air and you’re all set.


Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine ( and...

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