Is all of South Africa reading Hayibo ( We all should be.

It is by far the most hilarious piece of writing I’ve come across in as long as I can remember, and it comes out every week! What a pleasure.

With the tag line “Breaking news. Into lots of little pieces”, Hayibo takes on current affairs (local and international) and spear-guns them with cutting dark humour. I love it!

My favourite quote from this week’s edition involves the UFS fiasco:

“We have taken it to heart,” said residence chairman Totius Bittereinder, who is completing a master’s in tjop-marinating. “Those guys were idiots. They made a terrible mistake.

“You never, ever, film it.”

Are South Africans ready to laugh at the things that are so awful about our country?

Americans certainly are. Hayibo is reminiscent of that long-running satirical newspaper, the Onion — “America’s finest news source” ( — which ridicules everything from politics to relationships and movie stars, in delicious style.

My favourite excerpt from this week’s is an opinion piece by a young woman entitled “Act now to take advantage of my lowered standards”.

Do you remember what it’s like to laugh out loud at superbly written satire?


Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine ( and...

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