Alright, so this one is over and we’re quite resolutely in the middle of a Monday, but I’m beginning to think there’s something almost medicinal about weekends … They give us back to ourselves.

  • We can sleep in. Better yet, we can sleep until we wake up, rather than be woken by the insistent beep of an alarm.
  • We have time to connect with the people we love. Catching up on phone calls, spending relaxed time with friends, communicating with lovers. All those little (vitally important) things that seem to fall through the weekday cracks.
  • We have fun! Fun is one of the missing ingredients in a fulfilled adult life, as far as I’m concerned. It should be compulsory (although maybe then it wouldn’t be quite so much fun …).
  • We can spend time in nature (if we want to). Our technology-filled lives often don’t give us the space to breathe, the space to lie back and contemplate, to still our restless minds. Nature is all about the stilling of minds.
  • We recharge. If every day was a weekday, we’d probably self-combust from stress before we hit 40. Weekends take a little of that stress away, by reminding us that we are (despite all evidence to the contrary) human beings.

    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine ( and...

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