… what with all the cheesy red and pink decorations, fluffy animals, shiny hearts and over-priced roses. I’m in the “It’s too commercial for a real emotion” camp.

That said, I can find a few redeeming factors about the day of love …

So (gulp) here are a few of my favourite things about Valentine’s Day:

  • It forces men who are otherwise lazy slobs to put on their romantic faces. Even if the romance is not particularly original — a red rose and dinner in a nice restaurant (not, say, a sunset picnic in a sugarcane field and a room full of balloons) — romantic faces are always nice to see.
  • It gives people courage to say how they feel about someone else. Somehow it’s not so overwhelming to confess your feelings on Valentine’s Day. The risk seems somewhat reduced. I like that.
  • There’s usually chocolate involved.
  • I happen to like the heart shape, so having it plastered all over everything doesn’t offend me too gravely.
  • There’s just the merest hint in the air that something magical might happen …

    Anyone else?


    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine (www.sweetlifemag.co.za) and...

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