With the legions of people who complain about our country but never actually do anything to make it better, it’s always a welcome relief to discover somebody who has stopped complaining and started acting.

It’s one of my favourite things, in fact — pro-active people making a tangible difference to others.

I’ve just been introduced to the most marvelous NPO doing just that: Feedback (www.feedback.org.za)

Basically, it takes excess food from the entertainment industry, restaurants and supermarkets, and redistributes it to communities in need. It began with one woman wanting to take leftover food from the Cape Town film industry to hungry people, and has now grown to provide more than 14-million meals to 215 beneficiary organisations (nationwide) per year. Amazing!

Even more amazing is that it is not just offering hand-outs, but it also encourages communities to create sustainable food sources and become self-sufficient, through workshops and independent food sources such as vegetable gardens. So it is helping on numerous levels.

That’s pretty nifty, as far as I’m concerned …


Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine (www.sweetlifemag.co.za) and...

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