There is a Chinese curse about living in interesting times, and that has certainly been the case in South Africa this past year.

The year 2007 will no doubt go down in South Africa as the year of Jacob Zuma.

Internationally there were some other major events, such as the assassination of former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto and the general tensions in that country, but in South Africa the trials and tribulations of the man who may or may not become our next president beat all other news stories hands-down, even eclipsing South Africa’s second Rugby World Cup victory.

I have decided to list some of my predictions for next year in the following way: I will first state what I hope will happen and then what will probably happen.

What I hope will happen: All charges against Jacob Zuma will be thrown out of court, leaving him free to be the ANC’s candidate for president of South Africa in 2007. Even though this is not a perfect situation, it will be necessary for the stability of our country.
What will probably happen: All charges against Jacob Zuma will be thrown out of court, leaving him free to be the ANC’s candidate for president of South Africa in 2007.

What I hope will happen: Barack Obama becomes America’s first black president. I have nothing against Hillary Clinton, but there is that family connection and we have seen the harm done by families to the American presidency, to their country and the world.
What will probably happen: The Democrats will lose the American election because voters are not yet ready to be lead by a black or a woman.

What I hope will happen: The price of crude oil will drop to about $60 a barrel.
What will probably happen: The price of crude oil will go over $120 a barrel.

What I hope will happen: Pakistan will have democratic elections and everyone will live happily ever after.
What will probably happen: Pakistan will reinstate military rule.

What I hope will happen: JK Rowling retires, along with Harry Potter.
What will probably happen: JK Rowling will announce that she is writing the eighth Harry Potter book

What I hope will happen: Alistair Coetzee gets appointed as Springbok rugby coach and is able to continue the good work started by Jake White.
What will probably happen: Heyneke Meyer gets appointed as Springbok rugby coach with Peter de Villiers as his deputy. Once again, a case of the black guy being good enough to be bridesmaid but not the bride (or should I be referring to the best man and the groom).

What I hope will happen: Reserve Bank Governor Tito Mboweni starts dropping interest rates again.
What will probably happen: Mboweni increases interest rates several times next year.

What I hope will happen: The world will have a year without any major natural tragedies, such as tsunamis, flash floods or huge storms.
What will probably happen: We will have our fair share of natural tragedies next year.

What I hope will happen: Ernie Els replaces Tiger Woods as world number one in golf.
What will probably happen: Ernie Els drops out of the top 10 in world golf.

What I hope will happen: South Africa becomes crime-free.
What will probably happen: Ok, I know that last one is a bit far-fetched, but one can only hope.

Happy 2008


Ryland Fisher

Ryland Fisher

Ryland Fisher is former editor of the Cape Times and author of the book Race. This is his second book, following on Making the Media Work for You, which was published in 2002. He is...

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