While Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe is undoubtedly the worst role model Africa has ever had — and that includes Idi Amin — that does not explain the strange claims that are being made by expatriate and X Factor reject Gamu Nhengu who suggests that if she were to be deported there would be a “firing squad’s waiting for us”.

In the News of the World exclusive Gamu suggests :

“I’ve been in the public eye now and people there know I’ve fled Mugabe’s regime. They will punish us if we go back. They’re going to know where we are. We’re going to be very unsafe. People have already been approaching our family members. We think they could be working for Mugabe. And we know how brutal he can be. I would be in danger, it’s blatantly obvious. My family would be in danger.”

Actually it’s not blatantly obvious.

If that is the basis to believe that the entire family is headed for a firing squad in Zimbabwe then I’m the reincarnation of Andrew Marvell and will start speaking with a Yorkshire accent from now on.

Why is it that every time someone from Africa wants to get a visa in Europe or North America they start painting pictures of their home countries that — let’s be kind — exaggerates the dangers?

South Africa had the genius Brandon Huntley in Canada convincing immigration officials that a white person back home was more endangered than the rhino population. That he was almost certain to die in a blaze of black racism if he ever returned home.

Now Zimbabwe has Gamu.

Though nobody would suggest that Mugabe’s regime is not murderous that cannot detract from the fact that all things being equal her family is not in any particular danger.

The persons at risk are political opponents of Mugabe and his cronies not X Factor contestants or anyone else who is in the public eye.

Yes there is economic hardship for those who live in Zimbabwe but that goes with the territory.

Millions of Zimbabweans have “fled” Mugabe’s regime so Gamu’s case is certainly not exceptional. Perhaps she can set out the basis for her leaving Zimbabwe in the first place.

Was it because she or members of her family stood up to Mugabe or — as is the vast majority of cases — things just got too tough economically?

If it is the latter won’t Cheryl Cole, Simon Cowell and all those other Brits feel stupid for hiding her in Scotland with more secrecy and security than Salman Rushdie?

Are the Canadians and British so naïve that they don’t try and establish why South African blacks would want to wipe out Huntley or Uncle Bob give a damn about Gamu and her family?

Nobody holds Mugabe in lower esteem than me but the time has come for expatriates to start telling it like it is rather than hamming it up for personal benefit.

The danger with allowing the perception to go unchallenged is that real issues like the referendum and election in Zimbabwe, where Mugabe and the Zanu-PF will undoubtedly try their tricks again, might call for intervention.

What will happen if the international community thinks it’s just those lunatics in Africa crying wolf again?

In order to achieve any credibility, Gamu needs to explain why Mugabe would even give her a moment’s thought.

Being on X Factor or even being known to be an exile does not even begin to form the basis for what she is suggesting.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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