Yes, these things are Cool Enough to warrant Capital Letters:

1. Siyajika (We Are Turning)
Underprivileged rural communities are taught how to germinate and nurture indigenous trees. They then trade these small trees (saplings?) for life-enhancing products such as building equipment, vegetable tunnels and water storage tanks to sustain them while they develop their business. The next step is trading more indigenous trees for industry-specific tools such as sewing machines and barber kits. To start off the cycle, you can sponsor an indigenous tree online for R80, and it will be planted in a land-rejuvenation project. Genius!

2. South Africa Daily Voice
Here’s a list of Today’s Top South African Blogs, which would be pretty cool any day, but which is über-cool today because my Strange Nervous Laughter blog ( is at number 18! In the whole country! Oh, happy day.

3. The World’s Largest Cupcake
Is totally going to happen! Around Valentine’s Day next year, in Cape Town. Book your tickets! Interest is flooding in from some extremely cool people, and it might just be the sweetest (ha!) event of next year. Want to help mix?


Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine ( and...

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