Posted inGeneral

Coaches, give us some style

Many soccer fans don’t go to the stadiums these days to watch PSL games because the matches are simply boring. There is a lack of entertainment in the way our teams play. Strict tactical approaches have overshadowed creativity and individual brilliance. Coaches are more concerned with winning games, even in an ugly way, so that […]

Posted inGeneral

Of genes and gender

By Steven Hussey If socially defined gender roles are a natural product of our biology, why are they so difficult to live up to? How much rebuking of “effeminate males” or scolding of breadwinning mothers by conservative culture does it take to reveal the weakness of the link between sex and behaviour? Biology is not […]

Posted inGeneral

SMS changes the game

According to Clay Shirky, renowned digital media commentator, “communication tools don’t become socially interesting until they become technologically boring”. Now while I’ll never consider SMS boring, I’d argue that SMS has become so entrenched in our day-to-day lives that it meets this criterion, and has not only become socially interesting, but is impacting our society […]

Posted inGeneral

Let’s talk about sex, baby

Few topics generate as much buzz as sex. It also continues to be one of the greatest sources of division in society, and perhaps one of its most persistent. These divisions relate not only to positions, but also between the “haves” and the “have-nots”. Despite major advances in our understanding of the human body, its […]

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Dolezar’s a coach, not a magician

Paul Dolezar has a tough task ahead of him, which is to save the Mpumalanga Black Aces from dreaded relegation. Last season the team was in a similar situation. They signed more than 15 players to bolster their squad at the beginning of the Absa Premiership season. They had high hopes and dreams of seeing […]

Posted inEqualityNews/Politics

Pandora’s box

Tick the appropriate box. White or black or other? Xhosa or Tswana or other? Jewish or Hindu or other? African, European or other? Male, Female or other? In Nepal they recently added a third box for you to tick in the area of gender on their voting registration forms and it’s time to start wondering […]