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Milan San Remo 2011

One of the things I enjoyed most about the Milan San Remo on Saturday was the build up. Anticipation in the morning of the race was high. Riders were tweeting what they were having for breakfast while journalists were predicted the day’s winner. Cycling fans have a horrible time from October to January when there […]

Posted inLifestyle

My Steri Stumpie moment

I estimate my Cape Epic partner and I have downed about 100 chocolate, cream soda and strawberry flavoured milk drinks in the last six months. This has been my greatest, most deserved pleasure. When SMSs have flown around between friends — Are you surfing tomorrow? Wind’s looking perfect, let’s meet at Lakeside at 8.30; reserve […]

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Springbok puzzle for 2011 nears completion

The gentlemanly fisticuffs that we’s seeing across the Sanzar universe at the moment, while first and foremost a battle for regional supremacy, falls into the shadow of a much bigger prize. Rugby World Cup VII begins in earnest during the middle of September but the majority of Super rugby players will tell the media that […]

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If only I wasn’t afraid of maths

I have a recurring nightmare, and it’s not the possibility that Patricia de Lille might pose for Playboy as part of some sort of commemorative election edition. No, this nightmare always involves something quite different: waking up to discover that I have a maths exam to write — and I haven’t studied for it. Maths […]

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The tsunami in Japan: Reality versus simulation

In an age when sophisticated new technologies enable engineers, architects, medical doctors, physicists and molecular biologists to simulate virtually everything that their respective disciplines pertain to, from building designs to protein molecules, the Japanese tsunami comes as a cruel reminder that there is, after all, something real out there. And this “something” sometimes behaves in […]