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Blade, the Setas and Mammon

The tragic saga of the Setas visited upon them by the Minister of Higher Education Blade Nzimande has been couched in language to do with “skills, training, accountability and democracy”. As with so many instances before this, things are not what they seem when it comes to the antics of the general-secretary of the SACP. […]

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A really short blog

By Roger Diamond “WE TOLD YOU SO!” Let me explain. Peak oil theorists and activists have been warning of the possibility of imminent peak oil for many years now. And what we have been saying is coming true. Oil-price spikes, revelations regarding ACTUAL oil reserves and production, economic tantrums, social unrest, rising food prices and […]

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Trust in Afghanistan

“Don’t trust anybody,” an old consultant told me one morning in the corridor of the government office, sotto voce and all that. “I mean — anybody.” He had been in the country for more than five years and I took note. Each morning I wake up to the sound of a muezzin in the background, […]

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Taking the next steps with mobile marketing

By Dr Pieter Streicher, MD at It’s important to include mobile included in your marketing mix, and especially SMS thanks to its reach, pervasiveness and acceptance by consumers across all demographics. How do you effectively use SMS to bridge the gap between offline marketing activities and online, permission-based engagement with your customer base? How […]

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Cheetahs win over the neutrals

For South African rugby fans, the current Super 15 log isn’t the most pleasant thing to look at. The Stormers do lie in “third” place but their inability to secure bonus points, with just one thus far, has seen the Blues move above them, meaning they are behind the Sharks’ eight ball. That’s because the […]

Posted inGeneralNews/Politics

Agriculture: The unlikely Earth Day hero

Cross-posted from the Worldwatch Institute’s Nourishing the Planet. For over 40 years, Earth Day has served as a call to action, mobilising individuals and organisations around the world to address these challenges. This year Nourishing the Planet highlights agriculture—often blamed as a driver of environmental problems—as an emerging solution. Agriculture is a source of food […]

Posted inBusiness

CPI being abused in price negotiations

By Kevin Phillips South Africans pay a lot of attention to the inflation rate: whether it’s up, down or stable, which direction it’s headed in and what it means for our wage and salary negotiations. But in some cases, the official inflation rate is being abused by large companies to squeeze their suppliers — putting […]

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Fracking controversy

On The Daily Maverick, I recently wrote a column about “fracking” in the Karoo. It was, shall we say, explosive. It got hundreds of comments, many of which I tried to do justice with a reply. It took me four days to write the column, and another three — working 16-hour days — to keep […]