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Time running out for Wenger

“I have never cared very much for personal prizes. A man does not become a freedom fighter in the hope of winning awards, but when I was notified that I had won the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize jointly with Mr de Klerk, I was deeply moved.” This is how Nelson Mandela responded when asked about […]

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Getting more crop per drop

Increasing demand for water continues to put a strain on available water sources, threatening the livelihood of millions of small-scale farmers who depend on water for their crops. At a time when one in eight people lack access to safe water, Nourishing the Planet points to low-cost, small-scale innovations to better manage this vital resource. […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Moonlighting murderers

I work at a major Gauteng public hospital. During the course of the last three days, I have had the misfortune of witnessing two young adult patients suffer preventable deaths. Many South Africans will easily explain away these deaths with predictable explanations such as collapsing infrastructure, shoddy equipment, long waiting times and poor nursing care. […]

Posted inNews/Politics

A better life for who?

By Thabang Motsohi When I learnt that the police officers involved in the brutal and revolting killing of Andries Tatane in Ficksburg had been arrested by the Independent Complaints Directorate, I felt conflicting emotions. At one level I was relieved and encouraged that our nascent democratic institutions were fearlessly proving the value and role that […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Lekota: An unwelcome prophet

It is apparently improper to comment on South African politics without invoking God or religion more broadly. Last night a caller to 702 alleged that Mosiuoa Lekota had left the ANC because he had lost power and that his criticism of the ruling party only surfaced after the now (in)famous divorce. I was reminded of […]

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Unified communications on the go

It took the creative genius of an Apple to fulfil the prophecy, but the age of mobility is finally here, and it shows no signs of letting up on innovative surprises or promoting widespread addictive behaviour. First, the iPhone rekindled the smartphone concept, brushing aside Symbian and to a lesser degree BlackBerry, and spawning formidable […]

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A nation divided against itself cannot stand

Since the dawn of democracy, I have met, shaken hands and embraced many people who respond to my greeting with the refrain: “Why complain? Nobody listens.” It’s an expression of frustration towards their leaders in political organisations, companies, churches and government. This expression is not only about disappointment, but also borders on cynicism. They feel […]