Posted inBusinessNews/Politics

Sweatshop sugar

When you pour a packet of South African-made sugar into your morning coffee, you can feel good about the fact that the workers who milled, refined, packed, and shipped it are paid relatively decent wages, enjoy basic benefits, and are protected against severe exploitation. In many respects, South African sugar is about as “ethical” as […]

Posted inLifestyle

Has ‘friend’ become meaningless?

“Blah blah fishpaste,” a friend said to me the other day. It’s the sort of thing I write in this blog all the time, but it’s starting to worry me. Who gets to be a friend these days? Does saying that you are “friends” with somebody have any meaning now that you can have 5 000 […]

Posted inGeneral

SA soccer — from hero to zero

So we entered what we all thought would be a sustainable and successful era of growth for SA football. We hosted an amazing Fifa World Cup in 2010 under coach Carlos Alberto Parreira, who was assisted by current head coach Pitso Mosimane. The next hurdle for SA soccer was and no seemingly remains the Africa […]

Posted inGeneral

The importance of teaching Foucault in a time of conformism

Every time I teach a course on that inimitable “archaeological” and simultaneously “genealogical” thinker Michel Foucault I realise how important it is for students to be exposed to, and engage with, his unique mode of transformative thinking and praxis, or perhaps, thinking AS praxis. For make no mistake, to discover Foucault as a philosopher is […]

Posted inLifestyle

Rich, white and crazy

The suburban landscape of Pretoria East is dotted with a spattering of rugged, rocky hills that overlook the city bowl, rising up from a plain crisscrossed with strip malls and chain franchises. During a recent trip to the area to visit some friends, I noticed that these little hills have become the sites of affluent […]

Posted inGeneral

Jake White: Qualified, but right for the job?

The news is in that Jake White, who recently signed a four-year contract with Super Rugby franchise ACT Brumbies, intends submitting his CV to the South African Rugby Union (Saru) for the position of Springbok Rugby head coach. His potential employers are the same ones that two days after the SA victory parade in 2007 […]