So, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has electrified Australians with the use of the word “shit storm” to describe the political consequences of job cuts. “People have to understand that, because there’s going to be the usual political shit storm, sorry, political storm, over that,” he said on live television. Kevin 747’s political rivals have accused […]
Soccer fever will pick up before the World Cup
International interest in the Fifa World Cup is expected to pick up about nine months before kick-off in June 2010 based on data supplied by Google. We determined that interest started in September 2005 by looking at which relevant World Cup keywords were popular on Google in the run-up to the World Cup in Germany […]
Getting those creative copyrights right
Creative Commons licences are a set of copyright licences that enable copyright holders to mark their creative work with the freedom they want it to carry. By specifying what kinds of reuse you will allow by default (non-commercial or commercial reuse, the production and dissemination of derivatives, translations etc) Creative Commons allows copyright holders who […]
A few lessons from the S14
I’ll keep this one brief, Mondays are rough enough hey? Four weeks in, here’s what I’ve figured: Bulls: Stick to your knitting and you’ll be just fine. These ELV malarkeys don’t forbid kicking it long and keeping it tight. Keep Fourie du Preez fit and when in doubt, swing it to Pierre Cheetahs: Take up […]
Have you experienced borderline discrimination?
Human beings are a race of discriminators. Almost by definition. Oh, I’m well aware that animals in the wild have their own form of discriminatory practices too. I’ve never heard of a home for visually impaired lion in the far north region of the Kruger National Park. We humans discriminate against each other on the […]
Valkyrie: Can Hollywood save Germany?
George Bush, Walmart and the “World” Series are normally enough reason to dislike the United States. But if you’re a “rational” soul, and yet still unsure why the world simply cannot run out of reasons to malign the United States; go borrow yourself a couple of mates and run to your local cinema to check […]
ANC: Don’t lose sight of the wood for the trees
It is interesting to see how many people are of the belief that if you are highly critical of personalities within a party that you cannot, surely, be voting for them in an election. That if you place, as I have, the fight against poverty and the need for transformation above all else as I […]
I am my neighbour’s keeper!
I read somewhere recently that doodles are now being touted as the latest insight into the psyche. I didn’t have time to read further (note to self — then do so soon!), which is a pity because I’m an exceptional doodler. Doodlers, real doodlers, are probably a marginal class of nut, schizophrenically able to synchronise […]
Seven fat years
Sunday February 22 2009 marked the seventh anniversary of the well-intentioned but ultimately misguided call-up of medicines frequently referred to as complementary medicines. Officially the call-up ended on August 22 2002, but the Medicines Regulatory Affairs Cluster of the Department of Health continues to accept documentation for these products. The Medicines Control Council (MCC) seems […]
A Malema hangover
The front page news of the Thursday March 5 edition of Mondli Makhanya’s rather entertaining daily baby left me rather, erm, in an enthused state. Julius Malema missing a rally because he had been out late previously and was quite possibly nursing the effects of Bachuss’s vengeance. Now sure Julius sells papers, and makes for […]
Vavi needs context to compare Malema with Mandela
“[Mandela] came as a very militant leader of the Youth League. He turned tables around, he was absolutely as intolerant in a way to our leaders as Julius Malema is now. [Mandela] moved from being that difficult and militant to being an icon, and one of the most admired leaders worldwide. Who knows, the Julius […]
Religous impressions on our political landscape
Every so often emerges a political force that captures the imagination of humanity and transforms the outlook on reality as it had been perceived. The adoption of Hiltler’s Germany of fascism transformed the political landscape in Europe in the 1930s and led to untold harm to the conscience of the German nation. The 1960s were […]