Posted inNews/Politics

Morgan Tsvangirai is a man

If ever an African leader showed the wisdom of a King Solomon, then that man is Morgan Richard Tsvangirai. Like the biblical king before him, he adjudged that the party who would rather save the baby, in this case Zimbabwe, rather than win (power) at any cost, would demonstrate who has the true love for […]

Posted inLifestyle

The sounds of a city

We experience a city through sight, mostly. But what about other senses? The fishy smells of Cape Town, warm bagels in New York. In Jo’burg, jasmine in spring and the acrid fug of urine in the CBD. Chlorine in pools, wet dog, mown grass, fragrant steaming pavements after a summer storm. Sydney lacks a distinctive […]

Posted inGeneral

Things Twitter should have

A few things about Twitter have been irritating me recently and this has everything to do with its lack of versatility. Twitter’s alert function, which can syndicate “tweets” to any third party device or application (Mobile, Facebook, etc.), leaves much to be desired in terms of customising its functionality. For one thing, I would like […]

Posted inGeneral

South Africans: A tale of contradictions?

In an attempt to illuminate a view that South Africa is a complex case, and not special per se, I said that “South Africans have been consistently giving most of us an impression that we are developing some form of national identity. Public opinion surveys have been showing a trend of improving ‘social cohesion’”. All […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Blood oil

At last! The five-year old predatory war of America and its coalition partners has finally been placed in its clearest possible perspective. Britain, France and the US finally have their hands on the oil reserves of Iraq. For the first time in 36 years the oil reserves are in the hands of people who have […]

Posted inGeneral

Commute to Bloem, Part 1

It was with much difficulty that I accepted a directive to pack my bags and haul my great self off to the land beyond the Lesotho Mountains for business purposes. Trust me, had I a choice, I would have never chosen to go to Bloemfontein, but alas, the man that pays my salary demanded it […]

Posted inGeneral

The education potential of mobile content

Again and again I’m struck by the massive uptake of mobile phones in the developing world. Exact figures are often hard to come by, but in South Africa it is estimated that 70% of the population has access to a mobile phone. Amongst the youth, that figure is easily 90%. The mobile phone is the […]