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Anti-smoking Nazi bastards II

My doctor has classified me G6 K4 which means that if I’m called up during times of war as an army reservist, the SANDF uses me for prisoner exchanges. Beats working for a living. Anyhow as some of you may recall, this genius of the medical profession and I don’t always see eye to eye. […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The anti-capitalist clown

Over on ThoughtLeader, Bert Olivier, an academic of the philosophical persuasion, rails against those who defend “the unforgiveable practices of capitalism”. I hardly know where to start, but as one of the people who frequently offers a defence for the practices of capitalism, I’ll make a few general points in rebuttal, though.

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Learning lessons from innovative small companies

Well-run smaller companies are often agile and responsive, in short, they are communication innovators — more so when compared to the giant corporate dinosaurs at the top of the financial food chain. This realisation became most apparent after a recent presentation given by one of the largest private banking institutions in South Africa outlining three […]

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Design versus content

The old debate of form versus function (known in modernism as form follows function) is given a new meaning on the web. Here we have the debate about design versus content. My thoughts around this matter relate to whether one or either or both (or neither) of these factors contribute to a user’s perception of […]

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The impact of the iPhone on South Africa

The iPhone is on its way to sunny South Africa and the excitement is already beginning to build. The news that the iPhone would be available in South Africa spread rapidly through the MSM and the local blogosphere. Some, however, have been sceptical as to the magnitude of the potential impact the release of the […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The new scramble for Africa

In well-to-do circles in the West, it has become de rigueur to criticise China for its role in Africa. The Economist, the bible of the business class, has labelled the Chinese “new colonialists.” Concerned liberals in Hollywood accuse China of facilitating genocide in Darfur. More recently, the American and British governments have expressed disappointment that […]

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Smelly socks in Kenya

I’m sitting on my bed in Nairobi, with my wet and smelly socks hanging from the mosquito net and the air-conditioning on 30 degrees. The room’s starting to sweat a little, and the aroma of eau-de-sock is stripping paint off the walls. But these soggy foot protectors are reminders of my inadvertent discovery this weekend. […]

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The beauty of the beast: On the ‘Makelele Position’

Remember yesteryear’s defensive midfielder? The (usually) nuggety stocky guy with unkempt hair? Strangely this condition affected defensive mids of all hues-, socks around his ankles, permanent scowl, and all the footballing ability of a wet chicken with two left feet? He was the team’s hatchet man; didn’t break down the opposition moves so much as […]

Posted inNews/Politics

What did you do in the Struggle, Daddy?

Following the transition to non-racial democracy in 1994, it emerged that no-one had ever supported apartheid. Actually, some had but they had emigrated or were dead. This must have come as a relief to everyone, particularly to black people. It also emerged that many more people had fought against apartheid than had been apparent at […]

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Looking back at Euro 2008, looking forward to South Africa 2010

The European football championships ended on Sunday in typically spectacular fashion, as the Spanish flummoxed and beguiled the workmanlike Germans to take the cup, ending decades of frustration and disappointment for their weary fans, while giving them bragging rights for the next four years. It capped off an amazing tournament, offering the kind of exhilaration […]