Posted inNews/Politics

Harassed in Hebron

It seemed perfectly scripted if one had wanted to embarrass the settlers: a peaceful walk to the Tomb of the Patriarchs that gets disrupted by armed zealots and the unjustifiable arrest of peace activists, all done in the presence of a host of photographers. Except that our intention in visiting Hebron was simply to observe […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Can we trust the West, IMF, World Bank, etc?

According to John Perkins in his book, “Confessions of an Economic Hitman”, the United States of America, “funnels money from the World Bank, the US Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign ‘aid’ organisations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet’s natural resources.” […]

Posted inGeneral

The root of most corruption in Africa

Africa’s history has been history of suffering and the struggle for liberation and independence. The overarching problem with Africa’s struggle for liberation and independence from colonial and imperialist rule and exploitation has been centered on political liberation, without any emphasis on economic liberation. African countries gained their independence from colonial rule many moons ago; but […]

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Lords of the pace

I’d like to wish Kevin Pietersen all the best and a strong showing in the opening npower Test between England and South Africa at Lords tomorrow. As I say I’d like to, but unfortunately I’d be bullshitting the turncoat. For me an ideal return would be two ducks with lashings of dropped catches. He’d better […]

Posted inGeneral

RAD 2.0 – the chaos theory

The Information Technology sector has over the years developed, tested and implemented new ways and processes to developing IT systems. To name a few and to bring this into perspective, we have the traditional SDLC, the JAD (Joint Application Development) and so on and so forth. Developing these methods and standards takes a long time […]

Posted inGeneral

MTN Huawei E220 on ubuntu linux

Getting this baby to work has been a not so enjoyable experience. After what seemed like fighting a losing battle, I stumbled upon the above mentioned post, I read through the post carefully and got stuck on the first bit where I had to reset the username and the password. You see, unlike other people, […]

Posted inGeneral

Where does SEO leave the little guy?

It’s fast becoming a bit of a cliche, but Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM), really are changing the way we do business in South Africa. More and more enterprises are realising the value of strong web positioning, and as recent articles show, the budgets being allocated in this sphere are growing […]