Posted inGeneral

Green-and-gold emperors

Should there have been any doubt about the Boks’ legitimacy as world champions, Saturday’s heroics would have put these to rest. Our biggest enemy conquered in their stronghold, and when everyone and their dog gave us no chance. Ricky Januarie is unlucky to be a hero in this age. Rarely has a man so deserved […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Spare South African sport the Stofiles

Regular readers will know that I am a strong supporter of transformation in South African sport and vehemently opposed to tokenism. I have not only written numerous articles on the subject but also pledged the entire proceeds of my forthcoming book to transformation in rugby. The children of South Africa, primarily those in our underprivileged […]

Posted inGeneral

Craig Dowd: A spaced-out rugby oddity

Ground control to Major Dowd, ground control to Major Dowd … Take your protein pills and put your helmet on; Ground control to Major Dowd, commencing countdown, engines on … Check ignition and may God’s love be with you … (Spoken): Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Springboks! What do yer […]