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Nokia E71: A hands-on review for SA customers

The blogosphere often comes under criticism (and usually, rightly so) for knee-jerk journalism. Don’t research the facts — just the get the scoop and get something up. In comes the traffic and some poor sod usually clicks on the Google Ads. Not a great place to be … However, when it comes to product reviews […]

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Beijing Olympics: Red and green converge

It’s almost time for the 2008 Olympics, and the Chinese authorities are making sure their coming out party is as green as possible. And what does environmentalism entail? Draconian restrictions, of course. The Communist Party of China can relate to the green penchant for fascist measures to save the rest of us from ourselves.

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Network neutrality — what?

You’re on the highway approaching the toll booth, on a tight deadline for an important meeting. To your dismay, you’re shepherded into a long, slow-moving lane. “This is the new differentiated service system,” your companion explains. “Some car manufacturers and some big businesses have struck a lucrative deal with the toll-road company, giving their vehicles […]

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Ian Botham is the man from W.H.I.N.E

There is nothing quite like the whingeing Poms when it comes to cricket. Commander-in-chief? Saint Beefy of Ignatius: DON’T JABBER BEEFY JUST WOCKY (Apology to Lewis Carroll) ‘Twas brillig, and this Limey toad Did cry and gimble in the wabe: All mimsy ’twere for Cook had got an iffy call, And the moan and wrath […]

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WordPress launches new theme repository

Recycled information seems to be the nature of the blogging world. Be that as it may, not everyone feeds off content from the same sources, and sometimes things you would have wanted to know slip through the cracks. Today they announced on the WordPress development blog that they have re-launched the theme directory. Now, since […]