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Is South Africa destined to blow it after all?

South Africa’s plummeting image internationally must surely be a cause of concern today. This year things have significantly worsened with such new crises as the xenophobia outbreak, power cuts and continuing leadership vacuum in the ruling party being added to the usual concerns about out-of-control crime, HIV/Aids denialism and failures to confront the Zimbabwe fiasco. […]

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Sharks grind out crucial win

The Sharks Currie Cup win over the Lions this past weekend was, in all honesty, an unattractive, long, hard grind but I do believe that in time, the importance of this victory will come home to roost. After heavy losses to the Bulls and Cheetahs this month, another loss would have been extremely hard to […]

Posted inNews/Politics

A good woman in the Congo

I was thinking about xenophobia today. In fact, these days I think about it far too often. The death of a friend in Kinshasa prompts today’s thoughts. Nathalie Muteba was a young and extremely gifted journalist at Radio Okapi, a national radio network covering the Democratic Republic of Congo. On Friday Nathalie died suddenly of […]

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Zimbabwe negotiations are bound to fail

There has been a lot of jubilation and misguided excitement about the recent Zimbabwean negotiations, what with the European Union praising Mbeki’s mediation effort and the brokering of a memorandum of understanding. Surprisingly this song and dance has not been witnessed by the protagonists (Zanu-PF and MDC) themselves. Clearly this should be a sign that […]

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Putting Rugby first

Putting Rugby First Executive Summary Putting Rugby First Report This week, over a thousand rugby administrators around the world will receive a report called, “Putting Rugby First” . The report is being sent to players, administrators, government ministers, high-profile supporters, journalists and commercial partners. It is being made available on the web at to encourage […]

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Jon Qwelane: What are you hiding, sista?

A lot of people — the decadent amoral bourgeoisie, mostly — have got awfully upset over Jon Qwelane’s latest tirade. Why the fuss? The Sunday Sun is gutter press and Qwelane’s equally contemptible opinions are part and parcel of a paper that believes that stoking xenophobia and perpetuating intolerance is a prerequisite in speaking to […]

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Mandela fariebel

Mondli Makhanya explained the basis for the Sunday Times article, “Feud rips Mandelas apart” as being their contribution to maintaining the Mandela legacy. Having learned of all the family intrigue they felt that it was best to put it into some sort of context, in order to preserve Madiba’s fine reputation. All good and well. […]

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Revisiting the Terminator

Through my son, who is as much of a science fiction aficionado as I am, I recently discovered the Terminator movie spin-off television series, The Sarah Connor Chronicles, which apparently had to be “terminated” temporarily, after nine episodes, because of the film and television-writers’ strike in Hollywood. Watching the series develop the theme of a […]