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New Zealand launches pre-emptive strike in rugby

Why, oh why must South Africa always follow? The New Zealanders are on a path of reinventing rugby tournaments in the southern hemisphere. It is time SA Rugby snapped out of it and launched its own initiatives. Here is a report just in that will rock the rugby world. Unions keen on trans-Tasman rugby By […]

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Oh happy day!

Was it a penalty? Was it not? Who cares? The referee did not give it. Far be it for me to undermine the authority of those chosen by the guardians of the game of the masses to ensure that it is played within its spirit and regulations. In fact, I would go as far as […]

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Zuma brinkmanship takes hold

The recent reports of Mbeki’s alleged misdemeanours in the Sunday Times, along with the elevated rhetoric from those in the Zuma camp over the last week, have surprised and rightly concerned many. Rumours of Mbeki’s involvement in the arms deal have been whispered and deliberated in the corridors of ANC power for some time now, […]

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Unite the party, bury the hatchet

The Umkhonto we Sizwe Veterans’ Association and the African National Congress Youth League have warned South Africans of the consequences of the continued “persecution” — as opposed to prosecution — of ANC president Jacob Zuma in terms of what they deem to be a political conspiracy. ANCYL president Julius Malema and MKVA chairperson Kebby Maphatsoe […]

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I am not patriotic: Forgedaboudit!

Sentletse Diakanyo ended his post on patriotism with a reference to a football team. This gives me a useful way to submit a contribution on the topic. I am not patriotic. This does not mean that I “hate South Africa”. Hell no. It simply means that I have beliefs and values that transcend national and/or […]

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Own your own last-mile fibre

SiloBreaker reports on an interesting fibre-optic deployment in Ottawa where 400 homeowners are being allowed to buy their own last-mile fibre. The idea that every home or business could come with a “tail” back to a common multiprovider service point could bring huge advantages: providers could service a suburb relatively cheaply, bringing new levels of […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Umshinis could kill our democracy

In February, a University of Limpopo student was beaten up and killed by three senior Sasco members for refusing to sing a “struggle” song. In need of a lift back to their campus, the Sasco members boarded a Student Christian Organisation-only minibus after a protest march in Pretoria. They aggressively ordered the students to stop […]