Posted inLifestyle

Unemployment: it’s not all bad

“YOU ARE AT a crossroads, Virgo, with tempting offers raining down on all sides. Yet Saturn, planet of materialism, keeps things constant, demanding you get qualified and hit the professional high road.” Yeah right. Horoscopes are amusing rubbish at the best of times, and this one, in the Sunday Life magazines that comes with the […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The dismissal of the national director of public prosecutions to protect alleged criminals

“President” Kgalema Motlanthe (or perhaps acting on instructions from Luthuli House) decided to fire the suspended national director of public prosecutions, Advocate Vusi Pikoli, even though the Ginwala Commission of Inquiry absolved him of any wrongdoing and further recommended that he be reinstated to his position. He believes it is illogical to reinstate Pikoli but […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Zuma backs mediation in Zimbabwe

While aid agencies are confirming that thousands of unreported Zimbabwean deaths are taking place as a result of the collapse of the country’s healthcare in tandem with a breakdown of communications, the Times of London are leading with ANC president Jacob Zuma’s view that mediation offers the best solution to the current crisis. This comes […]

Posted inGeneral

Casino culture rots our souls

Here’s one suggestion for helping ease South Africa’s economic and moral woes: close all casinos. Right now. For they have utterly no redeeming features whatsoever. And while we’re at it, let’s draw a knife across the throat of that monstrosity called the lottery. At a time when South Africa is crying out for good old-fashioned […]

Posted inGeneral

Dear despot

It is with a heavy heart that I write to you. I am convinced I cannot continue to address you as a leader, because you’re no longer one. You are a failure. You have messed up everything. Indeed, you have messed up with disastrous results! Your people have been shamed all over the world. Their […]

Posted inGeneral

How much do you hate your expats?

Going through my collection of Australian insults a couple of days ago, something struck me. Knock me down with a budgie feather, but Australians don’t particularly like their expats either. So it’s not just Jarred Cinman comparing South Africans who leave to a cancer that must be cut out in order for the “healing” to […]