Posted inMedia

Sisyphus in Ikea

An alternative title to this entry could just as well have been Vladimir and Estragon in Ikea, but it wouldn’t have had quite the same ring to it. And technically, neither Sisyphus nor Waiting for Godot are perfectly analogous to my situation. But I feel like Sisyphus, so that’s the one that will stay. That […]

Posted inGeneral

We are struggling to understand

We are the middle children of history, He said Ours is that dislocation between spirit and identity faith and question integrity and fascination We are the middle children of history, He said Ours is the time of romantic Solar powered watches Paperless documents Controlled births Political hungers And negotiated hate, for We are the middle […]

Posted inLifestyle

To cut or not to cut

Friends of mine had a baby boy a few weeks ago. When their doctor asked them if they wanted to circumcise their child, my friends asked if there were any health advantages to snipping off the foreskin. “None,” the doctor answered matter-of-factly. When they told me this story, I had to gasp for air. I […]

Posted inGeneral

Nature as ‘abject’, and the ecological crisis

Julia Kristeva is a very original thinker. This Bulgarian-born, French-educated philosopher, practising psychoanalyst and novelist has contributed to humans’ self-understanding in many different ways, not least with her concept of the “abject”. It was first proposed to explain something that may appear to some to be a lacuna in Lacan’s account of the emergence of […]

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The slaves are back

What a pre-season of discontent. Ultimately, though, it was much ado about niks. Cristiano Ronaldo gave us his own version of a Julius Malema-risation by suggesting that he was a modern-day slave (for those not versed on the matter, a “Julius” is a statement that is uttered with not much forethought, thus leading to much […]