Posted inGeneral

Jake White’s response to the speculation

As the co-writer with Jake on his official blog, I include herewith his response to the speculation appearing in the media. Jake believes the post of director of rugby should be created. Read it all at Let’s give Jake our full support by either putting a comment on here or on the official blog. […]

Posted inGeneral

Lessons from Beijing

After years of bitter controversy, Beijing rose to the occasion and produced an Olympic Games which will be remembered for its sleek organisation, spectacular ceremonies and a feast of sensational sport. London may have received the baton for the next Olympiad, but the reality is the spotlight has now shifted to South Africa as the […]

Posted inMedia

Are you aspirational?

“Aspirational”. Of all the words I encountered whilst working in the advertising industry in South Africa, it was the one I came to hate the most. Every consumer was aspirational. Every marketing manager and her shih tzu wanted her brand to be aspirational. Cars were aspirational. Bank accounts wanted to be aspirational. Deodorant, toothpaste, even […]

Posted inGeneral

Help us find a name for a feed reader

After a couple of weeks of development we’re putting the finishing touches on a brand-spanking new feed reader: yes, the internet does in fact need yet another feed aggregator! If you have time to spare please check it out and let us know if everything works anything breaks. We now need a name for the […]