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A young white Afrikaner on reconciliation and transformation

Submitted by Marius Redelinghuys During the first session of the South African Association of Political Studies annual conference at Kopanong Hotel and Conference Centre, Dr Sally Matthews (Rhodes University) touched on the subject of Reconciliation and the Acknowledgement of White Privilege in South Africa: A Discussion of the Home for All Campaign. She sought to […]

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Manchester what?!

Who? This must be some mistake? Man City, one of the big boys now? What the … ? Stealing Robinho from the clutches of Cunning Kenyon? Scaring Man United into action over Berbatov? Talking of winning the Champions League next season? What is going on here? City is supposed to be the ugly sister; the […]

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Google releases the open source browser Chrome

A quick mention this so you can be one of the first to dive in and test drive Google’s latest release on their ever growing list of wares and services. The new browser by Google called Chrome was officially announced on Tuesday, September 2 2008. Featuring some really useful and slightly different ways of operating. […]

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SA Telecoms Cool Wall

Inspired by Rudoph Van Den Burg’s riff on Jeremy Clarkson’s TopGear Cool Wall I thought a Cool Wall for the South African telecommunications and Internet community might be fun to do. For those who haven’t seen it, the TopGear Cool Wall ranks automobile coolness on a scale ranging from SubZero to Cool to UnCool to […]