Posted inGeneral

Santana: the man with no answers, no plan

This week, I got a rare opportunity to ask the country’s most paid manager Joel Natalino Santana to explain his football philosophy to me and the rest of football scribes who had gathered for a post-mortem following the country’s failure to reach the Africa Cup of Nations. “Clearly”, I told Santana, “we are not getting […]

Posted inGeneral

Where is the social conversation going?

This is a theory I’m hatching … Would appreciate some feedback. The premise: trying to look forward and predict what will happen in the adoption cycle of social media. It is, of course, only when we look forward, that we can invent truly differentiated and unique ideas. Its background thinking to this graph goes along […]

Posted inGeneral

To subscribe or to follow, that is the question

For those of you who don’t know, twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and receive other users’ updates, known as tweets. Tweets can be seen as text messages which move between users’ computers rather than mobile phones. There are hundreds of thousands of twitter users around […]

Posted inMedia

That cartoon

Rape. It is a hard thing to think about, and not usually the subject of cartoons. Did the Zapiro cartoon cross the line? And what is that line, anyway? I don’t think it crossed the line. Michael Trapido thinks it did, and argues (in his blog “Will Mondli fire Zapiro?”) that it did so for […]

Posted inLifestyle

Floating dorpies

People are sure to be offended by this piece, people who refuse to see past their prejudices and make intellectual counters, if that may be, to my ideas expressed on this piece. Therefore, the disclaimer just below is probably null, but I feel strongly that people should know that I offer this piece in the […]