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The Springbok emblem controversy

Submitted by Patric Tariq Mellet It seems that there is a poor understanding of the history of the anti-apartheid struggle when it comes to the Springbok brand. It is the one brand of which all national groups may well be proud. Butana Komphela has asked for any evidence that evidence exists in history for such […]

Posted inGeneral

SA Rugby ambushed with the culling of the Springbok

One sometimes has to wonder, open mouthed, at the myopia of people within rugby administration and their inability to recognise how to be relevant in modern day society in South Africa and the rest of the world, especially when the game of rugby exposes the raw nerves and synapses of the nation. The obsessive, compulsive […]

Posted inGeneral

Thinking outside the box

Spare a thought for the tens of thousands of South Africans – and Africans – who are creating (and stockpiling) World Cup-themed products. Young KwaZulu-Natal artist Sicelo Ziqubu is creating 2010-themed papier-mâché decorated thrones, which are being snapped up. Tomas Majebe from Cameroon is making a “small fortune” selling his oil on canvas 2010 stadium […]

Posted inLifestyle

Tannie-style kissing takes off

Who would have thought it? Lip-on-lip kissing, normally associated with ooms and tannies and oumas, has become fashionable in London. “On the party scene, air kissing — that horrible ‘mwah, mwah’ used by the kind of people who know your job title and dress size but forget your name – is out,” noted the Daily […]