Posted inNews/Politics

Mbeki for president?

Section 88(2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa confirms that no person may hold office as president for more than two terms. The section is, however, capable of being amended by a two-thirds majority and is not cast in stone. In order to achieve what would surely be one of the longest […]

Posted inLifestyle

Fat lot of lies about your health

I am amazed that one of the most important books written on nutrition and health — one that systematically demolishes the myths, lies and scientific bigotry of mainstream health dogma — has received so little attention in this country. Perhaps I shouldn’t be. Published last year, Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes is not […]

Posted inGeneral

Bok emblem: here comes trouble

Here comes trouble — big trouble — as in, “Come in Houston we have a problem.” You remember the Sports Indaba in Durban three weeks ago and then the brouhaha about the Springbok and who owns the trademark, which caught SA Rugby napping and which gave rise to such high-pitched shrill screaming from both sides? […]

Posted inGeneral

Starting a start-up

Are you an online entrepreneur or developer, with enough ideas for online projects to keep you busy for …well, forever? Great. Pull up a chair and let me tell you about Business Beat. It’s a collaboration between the Innovation Hub, GIBS MBA program and IdeaBank (my company). The goal is to bring together people from […]

Posted inBusinessMediaTech

Developing online ventures in SA

Ideas are free. Developing them into viable businesses, not so much. Developing them into viable online businesses…well…take a number. Especially if you live in South Africa. Entrepreneurs with exciting new ideas for online ventures usually have two problems: 1. They are unable to get funded for the first stage of developing their product 2. Their […]