Posted inLifestyle

‘Tis the season to be soppy

With the world markets a mess and most South Africans hopelessly loaded with debt, this Christmas season doesn’t look like it is going to be the most memorable for the retailer’s bottom lines. But I can see a definite silver lining to this dark cloud. Gift giving around Christmas time should never have become the […]

Posted inGeneral

The Musical Stones

After writing prose and poetry, probably my greatest love is teaching creative writing. I always jump at the task to take writing courses for children and university students. I gave my writing classes the beginning of a fantasy story I wrote, called Ricky and the Musical Stones There once was a small island off the […]

Posted inNews/Politics

A case against George W Bush for war crimes and crimes against humanity

A war criminal has been presiding over the catastrophic economic meltdown since the Great Depression. He has caused untold misery not only to his people by pursuing destructive economic policies, but to foreign nationals as well during his protracted murderous campaign. On September 20 2001, in the wake of the devastating attacks on the World […]