Posted inGeneral

Yang out; what now for Yahoo!?

Jerry Yang will be stepping down as Yahoo! CEO in the near future; as soon as they find a capable replacement. In an email to the employees, he says the decision to step down was taken jointly with the board. In translation: the board gave a vote of no confidence especially after he let Microsoft […]

Posted inGeneral

1861 Mr Malema

Often when the stresses of daily life start getting to me I do a little exercise which helps to put everything back into some sort of perspective. Hopefully it will assist some of you lot as well, in not only easing the pain of modern day living but also in gaining a bit of knowledge […]

Posted inGeneral

Here comes T-CUP … for this Saturday afternoon

Yesterday I overhead Sir Clive Woodward, former English rugby team coach of the 2003 winning World Cup fame, tell Matt Dawson, most capped English scrum half with 51 games, to remember T-CUP and I thought what is this? Earl Grey? Chamomile? Our Rooibos? Personally, I am more familiar with a C-cup than a T-CUP and […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The Zuma phenomenon

Submitted by Setumo Stone A question has been posed: What are the leadership qualities of Jacob Zuma? Many would attempt to answer this question by reciting the theoretical bull-dust of 3 Rs, 9 Cs, 7Ps of leadership etc. Rather than defining reality and context, these highly intellectual formulae often describe and depict an “ideal” personality […]